3M N95 1860/S 即棄式防塵醫用口罩 (20’s)





Made in Singapore  符合美國FDA和中國藥監局認證 美國NIOSH 42 CFR 84,N95等級 包装:20个/盒,6盒/箱 有效防止吸入醫療儀器所產生在空氣的塵粒 減少受感染的機會 阻隔液體傳播細菌 減少透過血液及體液飛沫感染的機會 符合美國疾病控制中心(CDC)對肺結核病菌暴露控制守則之要求   * NIOSH Approved: N95 * FDA Cleared for use as surgical mask * Helps protect against certain airborne biological particles * Fluid resistant and disposable Features include: - NIOSH approved N95  - Meets CDC guidelines for Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure control - FDA cleared for use as a surgical mask  - 99% BFE (Bacterial Filtration Efficiency) according to ASTM F2101  - Fluid resistant according to ASTM F1862 - Respirator contains no components made from natural rubber latex - Collapse resistant cup shape design - Braided headbands, cushioning nose foam, and light weight construction for comfortable wear 

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